Read physics notes form 1-4, revise kcse past papers & more with just this app.Physics Notes & kcse papers app features physics notes from form 1-4, physics K.C.S.E past papers from 2010 - 2021 with answers and other revision materials such as mock past papers, and form 1-4 topical questions.This app will help physics student(s) to read and revise for their physics exams be it internal exams or even final exams(K.C.S.E). The app is meant to help students learn physics with ease and even test themselves with the topical questions and K.C.S.E past papers provided.Notes are well written and structured for student to read and understand fast. Furthermore, we have provided K.C.S.E past papers with answers for student(s) to revise and familiarize with the setting of KCSE physics exams. Mock papers with answers from various schools are also available as extra revision resources for students to carry out thorough revision and preparation towards their final exams.Physics Notes & kcse papers is the perfect app for student to revise and read physics regardless of where they are.